Summer update

Summer?  What summer?  Today it didn't even crack 20 degrees outside.

So even though it's been unseasonably cool for the last few months, we've been really lucky with the weather as it generally hasn't rained on Thursdays, and any time the rain has been heavy it hasn't impacted our Thursday league.  I hate to jinx it but could this be the second year in a row that the Town doesn't cancel our permits because the fields are "unplayable"?  There's no question that lots of other leagues that play on different nights of the week have been impacted.  Maybe it's true -- maybe God does lay out!

Our summer league has been in full swing for a while now and recently we did a small re-shuffle of teams, to great effect.  Every game has been hotly contested since the shuffle and we've got a really well balanced league, which we hope you're enjoying playing in!  Last week our regular schedule was suspended -- the Town designates one week in the summer when the Bristol Field is closed so it can "rest" -- and in lieu we ran our second annual Spark in the Park.  At the minor Bristol field we played some Kan Jam, ran some huck and flick contests (winners:  Women's Flick Sandra, Women's Huck Christine, Men's Flick Doug, Men's Huck Rodney), took some action photos of some layouts onto Dean's air mattress which sadly did not survive the evening, and hopefully interested some of the passersby who are used to seeing boring soccer.

If you haven't visited our website recently, you need to check out the photo galleries -- we've got pics from our first indoor season, and more recently some pics from some of the early games in July (thanks to Will Inkley and Erin Joyce!  Members who don't just flick, they also pic).

Also here's a sneak peek of what's coming up -- it's not posted on the website yet, but will be soon -- our winter leagues will be starting in November, pending permits from the Town of Milton.

Yes, LEAGUES, multiple;  we're continuing our Coed 6-on-6 speed point hat league, which we hope will be Wednesday evenings like it was last year;  and we're adding a women's 6-on-6 speed point league on Sundays, which will be in the evening.

We'll post more information about pre-registration (which means, tell us you're interested, and when our permits are awarded, you'll have an exclusive window in which to sign up) and registration (which will be open to the general public once the pre-registration window has passed) once we know more details.

Finally, here's our inaugural edition of the week's Most Awesome Ultimate Picture Ever.  Feel free to snap some shots with your phone or your camera to enter your submissions in the coming weeks!

Evan shows the disc he's the boss.

Evan shows the disc he's the boss.